All Donations Matched Until Midnight - Giving Tuesday is November 29th!

As you consider supporting worthwhile causes on this international day of giving, please consider giving the gift of the Friendship College Persistence Fund!

Join the global celebration and make a difference with your gift to the Friendship College Persistence Fund! One-time donations start at $10, and because of the generosity of a major donor, your gift can provide twice the support for Friendship Alumni in college.

Friendship joins this day of generosity with our effort to raise $5,000 for talented, hard-working Friendship alumni in college who are struggling to make ends meet. We want to ensure these deserving students can start the next semester on-time in January, whether they will be attending classes virtually or on campus.

With your help, we’ll provide emergency financial support for tuition, room & board, textbooks, travel expenses and technology resources.

3 Ways You Can Help:

  • Make a gift in honor of #GivingTuesday at
  • Help us get the word out on social media using @FriendshipPCS on Twitter, @friendshippcs on Instagram and FriendshipPCS on Facebook along with the hashtags #GivingTuesday.
  • Share this message with everyone in your personal network. As many as one-third of all donations are often the direct result of peer-to-peer outreach.

Thank you in advance for your support. Through your generosity, the Friendship College Persistence Fund will continue to help Friendship alumni complete their college degree and fulfill their dreams.

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